Martin and Effie Eskijian

I was a professor at AUA in 1992 when many things were difficult.   I was asked, with only 3 weeks to prepare for a 5 week course in numerical analysis.  It was a difficult time in  Yerevan, but the students were excellent and made the best of the circumstances.  The school had just opened, and was  very austere.   Later, some of my students came to the US, got Ph.D’s from some of the best universities in the West, and many have kept their roots in Armenia.  I’ve seen the school grow to become a state-of-the-art university, dedicated to the advancement of Armenia, with students from around the country and many have gone into governmental positions.   I believe this will be the beginning of a transformation of the country, and truly a new generation and growth. based on Western principles of government.  
Effie and I are proud to support AUA, and wish for its continued growth and success in our homeland country of Armenia.  God has truly blessed us, and we believe that AUA is a place we want to leave our legacy.